Tuesday 25 November 2014

These 5 Bizarre Missing Persons Cases May Never End Up Being Solved

When people in the world go missing, it boggles the mind. In this day and age, it seems like it should be impossible for any individual to wink out of existence.

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, it shocked thousands of people. We live in an advanced technological world, yet the theory that a wizard made it disappear is just as plausible as any other theory at this point.

This wasn’t the first account of mysterious disappearances, though. Here are some of the more famous ones that we still have yet to solve.

Lieutenant Felix Moncla

Lieutenant Felix Moncla

Frederick Valentich.

Frederick Valentich.

DB Cooper.

DB Cooper.

Malaysia Airline Flight 370.

Malaysia Airline Flight 370.

Bennington Triangle.

Bennington Triangle.

Maybe there’s a secret hangar somewhere in the world where all of the missing vehicles and people are hanging out, laughing at us. We may never find out exactly what happened, but hopefully one day our speculation and guesswork will end.

These 5 Bizarre Missing Persons Cases May Never End Up Being Solved

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