Thursday, 23 October 2014

Ok, These 15 Random Facts Sound Crazy, But Are Actually Very True.

The world is a crazy place and, thanks to the Internet, we have access endless information about this crazy place. Is it too much information? I feel like I get my mind blown by something every single day.

Here are some facts I learned just from today that you probably never thought about before.

1.) In Uganda there is a tribe called Buganda and their language is Luganda.

1.) In Uganda there is a tribe called Buganda and their language is Luganda.

2.) If you keep walking east you will always be walking east. But if you keep walking north, eventually you will be walking south.

2.) If you keep walking east you will always be walking east. But if you keep walking north, eventually you will be walking south.

3.) Eagles mate while in the air.

3.) Eagles mate while in the air.

4.) Only two accidents have occurred with a Google self drive car.

4.) Only two accidents have occurred with a Google self drive car.

5.) Canada is a word from one of the original native tribes meaning ‘Big Village’.

5.) Canada is a word from one of the original native tribes meaning ‘Big Village’.

6.) If you stretched out all the DNA in your body it would be six times the distance from the Sun to Pluto.

6.) If you stretched out all the DNA in your body it would be six times the distance from the Sun to Pluto.

7.) Coconuts kill more people than sharks ever year.

7.) Coconuts kill more people than sharks ever year.

8.) Giraffes can go without water longer than camels can.

8.) Giraffes can go without water longer than camels can.

9.) For at least a short amount of time you were the youngest person on earth.

9.) For at least a short amount of time you were the youngest person on earth.

10.) There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth.

10.) There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth.

11.) The total weight of all the ants on earth is greater than the total weight of all humans.

11.) The total weight of all the ants on earth is greater than the total weight of all humans.

12.) Wombats poop cubes.

12.) Wombats poop cubes.

13.) Horses can’t breath through their mouths.

13.) Horses can’t breath through their mouths.

14.) Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.

14.) Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.

15.) There is an immortal jellyfish.

15.) There is an immortal jellyfish.

Just because we graduated from school doesn’t mean we have to stop learning. Use the Internet to your advantage. If there is something you want to know about, investigate it! It will only make you smarter and the world better.

Ok, These 15 Random Facts Sound Crazy, But Are Actually Very True.

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